50 stocks to buy in November
StockScouter, MSN Money's stock-picking tool, identifies companies capable of outperforming the broader market in the weeks ahead.
Bears have taken a beating in October; the Standard & Poor's 500 Index ($INX 0.00%) is on track for its best month since 1974. That's after a miserable summer in which the battered index lost 14.3% from July 1 to Sept. 30 in volatile trading that apparently left stocks too cheap for investors to pass up.
But can the euphoria continue? The rally faces some formidable roadblocks in November, including the potential for political gridlock on both sides of the Atlantic.
A tentative deal to ease Europe's sovereign debt crisis could unravel as details emerge. Further, the Nov. 23 deadline for the congressional "supercommittee," which is seeking ways to cut the federal deficit, could be missed. Failure by the panel's 12 members to find consensus could spook investors; stocks swooned in July when it appeared that Congress wouldn't pass a federal debt-ceiling deal.
For investors seeking reliable clues about what's likely to work in this market, StockScouter's Benchmark Portfolio for November is an ideal place to launch investment research.
The 50-stock portfolio was created using StockScouter, MSN Money's stock-picking tool. Each month, StockScouter generates a list of 50 stocks whose business fundamentals, price behavior, valuation and stock-ownership characteristics appear to predict a rising price in the coming weeks, based on how those factors have influenced stock prices in the past.
Here are StockScouter's best investment ideas for November:
StockScouter Benchmark Portfolio for November | |||
Company | Sector | Oct. 28 close | Scouter score, Oct. 28 |
Microsoft (MSFT 0.00%, news) | Software | $26.98 | 10 |
FactSet Research Systems (FDS 0.00%, news) | Financial information | $100.68 | 10 |
Dollar Tree (DLTR 0.00%, news) | Discount retail | $78.87 | 10 |
DirecTV (DTV 0.00%, news) | Satellite broadcasting | $45.53 | 10 |
International Business Machines (IBM 0.00%, news) | Hardware, software, services | $187.45 | 10 |
Chevron (CVX 0.00%, news) | Oil and natural gas | $109.64 | 10 |
Williams Partners (WPZ +1.30%, news) | Natural gas | $59.65 | 10 |
DCP Midstream Partners (DPM 0.00%, news) | Natural gas | $43.41 | 10 |
Alliance Data Systems (ADS 0.00%, news) | Business services | $104.97 | 10 |
Intel (INTC 0.00%, news) | Computer chips | $24.98 | 10 |
Oracle (ORCL 0.00%, news) | Business software | $33.69 | 10 |
Precision Castparts (PCP 0.00%, news) | Aircraft parts | $161.92 | 10 |
PPG Industries (PPG 0.00%, news) | Chemicals | $89.37 | 10 |
Norfolk Southern (NSC +0.59%, news) | Railroads | $74.98 | 10 |
Harris (HRS 0.00%, news) | Communications equipment | $38.85 | 10 |
CSX (CSX 0.00%, news) | Railroads | $23.11 | 10 |
Curtiss Wright (CW 0.00%, news) | Industrial equipment | $33.47 | 10 |
Diebold (DBD 0.00%, news) | Business equipment | $33.02 | 10 |
Core Laboratories (CLB 0.00%, news) | Oil-field services | $112.59 | N/A |
Nice Systems (NICE 0.00%, news) | Computer peripherals | $37.29 | 10 |
Safeway (SWY 0.00%, news) | Groceries | $19.75 | 10 |
Snap On (SNA 0.00%, news) | Tools | $54.84 | 10 |
Union Pacific (UNP 0.00%, news) | Railroads | $102.02 | 10 |
Kohl's (KSS 0.00%, news) | Retail | $53.07 | 10 |
Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo (SBS 0.00%, news) | Utilities | $55.04 | 10 |
Randgold Resources (GOLD 0.00%, news) | Mining | $112.14 | 10 |
Southeast Airport Group (ASR 0.00%, news) | Airports | $57.03 | 10 |
Sensient Technologies (SXT 0.00%, news) | Chemicals | $38.02 | 10 |
Exponent (EXPO 0.00%, news) | Engineering services | $48.94 | 10 |
Alliance (AHGP 0.00%, news) | Coal | $48.56 | 10 |
Copa (CPA 0.00%, news) | Airlines | $70.30 | N/A |
Teekay LNG Partners (TGP 0.00%, news) | Natural gas | $36.23 | N/A |
Domino's Pizza (DPZ 0.00%, news) | Fast-food restaurants | $32.15 | 10 |
Bristow Group (BRS 0.00%, news) | Helicopter services | $51.19 | 10 |
CoStar Group (CSGP 0.00%, news) | Business services | $62.42 | 10 |
PNM Resources (PNM 0.00%, news) | Electricity | $18.24 | 10 |
Boeing (BA 0.00%, news) | Aerospace and defense | $68.17 | 10 |
H.B. Fuller (FUL 0.00%, news) | Chemicals | $22.40 | 10 |
Ultimate Software Group (ULTI 0.00%, news) | Software | $60.62 | 10 |
Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 0.00%, news) | Fast-food restaurants | $341.40 | 10 |
Occidental Petroleum (OXY 0.00%, news) | Oil and natural gas | $97.77 | 10 |
Esterline Technologies (ESL 0.00%, news) | Aerospace and defense | $57.03 | 10 |
Micrel (MCRL 0.00%, news) | Semiconductors | $11.20 | 10 |
Nu Skin Enterprises (NUS 0.00%, news) | Personal-care products | $50.40 | 10 |
OSI Systems (OSIS 0.00%, news) | Semiconductor equipment | $44.72 | 10 |
Gardner Denver (GDI 0.00%, news) | Machinery | $80.57 | 10 |
Waters (WAT 0.00%, news) | Medical devices | $82.22 | 10 |
Sociedad Química y Minera (SQM 0.00%, news) | Chemicals | $60.29 | 10 |
Dover (DOV 0.00%, news) | Machinery | $58.67 | 10 |
Eaton (ETN 0.00%, news) | Industrial equipment | $46.97 | 10 |
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An investor who followed Markman's 10-stock strategy since it was launched in January 2001 would have realized a gain of 637% through Sept. 30 of this year, according to Gradient Analytics, and had an average annual return of 21.6%.
Over the same period, the S&P 500 Index lost 6.6%.
An innovative mix
StockScouter depends on advanced mathematics and software, and an innovative mix of measurements and historical testing to forecast the short- and long-term outlook for all U.S. companies that have traded on the major exchanges for at least the past six months.The analytical tools score stocks on fundamental, valuation, technical and ownership components.
This score is combined with each company's StockScouter rating to come up with the list in the above chart. Only stocks with a final closing price above $3 are eligible for the list.
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34 minutes ago
My best friend ,she just has announced her wedding with a millionaire young man Ronald who is the CEO of a MNC ! They met via MeetSuccessful.СoM. - ..it is the largest and best club for wealthy people and their admirers to chat online. …you don’t have to be rich there ,but you may meet one ,maybe you wanna check it out or tell your friends !
Interesting pick, and I agree WFC is one to consider. I used to work for one of their main competitors and they did better in most customer service and cross-sell measures then we did. A la Peter Lynch when a competitor praises another company it's usually a pretty good sign. When other banks have to give WFC props for superior results with their customers (after all the most important part of the bank) it's likely a sign the company will prosper.
Interesting pick, and I agree WFC is one to consider. I used to work for one of their main competitors and they did better in most customer service and cross-sell measures then we did. A la Peter Lynch when a competitor praises another company it's usually a pretty good sign. When other banks have to give WFC props for superior results with their customers (after all the most important part of the bank) it's likely a sign the company will prosper.
Mon 4:35 PM
Mon 9:32 AM
Mon 9:25 AM
hey themario,i,ll bet you didnt have a problem with our service men living in tents to keep your but free did you,ever think a few of them might be sitinns,is this what you mean by people that dont have a pot to piss in?Or maybe we should start up a pharmacudical company and sell more pills that are doing more harm than good so we can sit on wall street and spit on the less fortunate!!!remember people when you buy some of these stocks the millions and millions of people it is affecting,lets make wall street change the way they do business or lets put them out of business!!!!! And do you honestly think they are giving out unemployment because people dont need it? where i live we have thousands of people applying for ten jobs when they are available.And ask some of the people that had their life savings stolin buy the likes of bernie madoff how thier entrepeneurial spirits are doing,do your research on who your voting for!!!! Dont just vote democrat cause your a democrat or republican because your republican,vote the ones out that are not doing their job.ther are things not being done in this country that should be done,hell we,re not even prepared if this wheather keeps changing,we need to be stock piling whole grains in silos and warehouses for later use,this alone would put alot of people to work,quit wasting billions and get some of this stuff done before its to late!!!
Mon 9:18 AM
Sun 2:17 PM
Sun 11:03 AM
Sun 10:36 AM
Quote: "The Nov. 23 deadline for the congressional "supercommittee," which is seeking ways to cut the federal deficit, could be missed."
In the rewrite:
"The Nov. 23 deadline for the congressional "supercommittee," which is seeking ways to cut the federal deficit, will be missed."
We all know that the super-committee will not agree on anything.
In the rewrite:
"The Nov. 23 deadline for the congressional "supercommittee," which is seeking ways to cut the federal deficit, will be missed."
We all know that the super-committee will not agree on anything.
Sun 10:32 AM
Quote: "A tentative deal to ease Europe's sovereign debt crisis could unravel as details emerge."
In the rewrite:
"A tentative deal to ease Europe's sovereign debt crisis will unravel as details emerge."
We all know that the insolvency of the Europe's Sovereign Governments is related to the insolvency of the European Banking System. No fix there.
In the rewrite:
"A tentative deal to ease Europe's sovereign debt crisis will unravel as details emerge."
We all know that the insolvency of the Europe's Sovereign Governments is related to the insolvency of the European Banking System. No fix there.
Sat 10:28 PM
What about the affordable housing act and the requirement of banks to provide loans to people with poorer credit with less down? Oh, and golly, the terms and conditions in the loan papers signed by the borrowers that didn't understand them, and thought the real estate could ONLY go up.
Sorry, let's all be responsible. If you lost your job I understand why you defaulted, those of you with jobs and quit paying your mortgage, its YOUR fault, not the banks. Its time for personal responsibility. This sillyness that the banks and wallstreet duped you is bull. You invested, you signed the papers, its your fault, no one forced you and no one at closing told you the market would ALWAYS go up. The GREED is you.
Sorry, let's all be responsible. If you lost your job I understand why you defaulted, those of you with jobs and quit paying your mortgage, its YOUR fault, not the banks. Its time for personal responsibility. This sillyness that the banks and wallstreet duped you is bull. You invested, you signed the papers, its your fault, no one forced you and no one at closing told you the market would ALWAYS go up. The GREED is you.
Sat 6:33 PM
The question we should be asking is how do we solve the insolvency of Congress to provide economic solutions? We need to vote them all out of Congress and start a new! No more of this non-partisan "Party Affiliation" BS. Leave all the campaigning out of Congressional Politics and get down to business! I really hate all these A-holes who just sit around and collect their $174,000 a year jobs in Congress while the rest of us are suffering because of their inadequacies. Guys like Boehner, Cantor and Ryan fail to accomplish their fiduciary responsibilities and should man-up and resign their office! They are not in touch with the populous and should get their head out-of-each-others-asses.
Sat 6:20 PM
I believe you missed the jest of the Wall Street protest, our Banks and Wall Street worked in harmony to dupe millions into purchasing homes under the guise that they were making a good investment for their future. Very few people realized they were caught in a ponzi scheme until it was to late. Our Banks were giving out millions of Home loans that were guarantied to fail, knowing they would sell the the loans to Wall Street who would bundle the garbage into Mortgage Backed Security Derivative, label them AAA and sell them across the globe. These people new the end game, they new when the jig was up millions would loose their homes, life saving for retirement, pensions, jobs, marriages, self respect etc. etc. This was a very Evil act done by evil greedy people, who are still sitting on trillions in profits that they made during there perfect crime. These people protesting aren't looking for hand outs or entitlements the want those responsible brought to justice just like the rest of us do.

Sat 12:37 PM
This article is not about politics, it is about a methodology for selecting stocks. The returns are open for our review and the story they tell is compelling. Will the top 10 or 50 always meet the same high returns? Probably not but so far they have a very nice historical average.
Question for the writer of this article. Why is Williams Partners WPZ, listed as your #7 & 9 picks?
Question for the writer of this article. Why is Williams Partners WPZ, listed as your #7 & 9 picks?
Sat 10:07 AM
Sat 9:42 AM
A tentative deal to ease Europe's sovereign debt crisis could unravel as details emerge. Further, the Nov. 23 deadline for the congressional "super committee," which is seeking ways to cut the federal deficit, could be missed.
All of these things COULD happen. Negative reporting was a leading cause of the downturn in the market in August of this year. No one invests with a negative attitude. The hope is for success which has been evident lately probably due to people getting tired of reading the 'doom and gloom' headlines which are constantly posted and looked at actual indicators.
I don't believe everything is 'rosy' and I'm sure there are many hard times ahead. But speculation is the name of the game in the stock market and while it is true several bad things COULD happen in the next several months several good things COULD happen also. This running the market up and down like a roller coaster only aids the traders on Wall Street who profit whether selling or buying because they deal in volume exchange. It isn't any aid to the average investor.
Sat 6:53 AM
themario.in case you havnt noticed stupid,most of these so called sitins involve people who have worked all their life including some politicians and even police officers and librarians,and how many millions and millions have lost their life savings in the market!!!People dont believe for a second this crap fools like this are trying to feed you,get out of the market and do it now,if your retirement is in a 401 put the bare minumum in that you can,dont lose it all like most of us have!!!!Better to put it in a savings account and it be safe!!!! How dare you get down on people who have lost their jobs, homes and whatever,this mess started long before obama!!!!This is what i,m talking about people by putting your money in the market,you are making arrogant a-holes like this fool rich,all of us people that dont have a so called pot to piss in need to dump our stocks,just because people lose their jobs dont mean they dont have a portfolio,or whats left of one,remember working people this is how you will be treated if you lose your job,vote these lousy politicians out that are not doing their job and i dont give a damn if their democrat or republican!!!Oh and ameritrade and all these other trading sites make it easy to buy stocks and hard to sell unless you give them away or pay alot more money to use one of their brokers!!!!Dont buy stocks we dont want to give this idiot {themario}a helping hand!!!!!!!!!
Sat 12:50 AM
If you spend a lot of time on the Interstate you have noticed how choked it is with Semi's and personnel vehicles. The Cities are clogged, the interconnecting arteries are clogged. It's clear that the Interstate is clogged with the economy. Overloaded and extra wide semi's going 72 mph. The economy is doing alright. There isn't any place for them to pull off at night and sleep, everything is clogged.
Sat 12:03 AM
I only own 1 stock in the list + I'm up 200% this year. If I had pulled the trigger like I planned at the end of Aug, I could have made more. Many of these stocks are high fliers that every news letter is touting like DLTR + CMG. Yes they have been stellar performers but IMO it won't continue. Ntfl is a prime example. Their business plans are not sustainable + opening new stores has a shelf life. I subscribe to several + they all have the same theme. IMO stocks will drive higher in the next 3 months, basically no matter what you own, then I'm out 100%. Obama will win again, the dem will keep control of the senate + grid lock will continue + dem policies will continue to invest in more solyndra's in the guise of global warming + poor use of tax payer dollars. The wall street sit ins will continue to attract people who don't have a pot to piss in but want people who have money to give it to them for doing nothing. What ever happened to the entrepreneurial spirit and the idea of working hard to make a living, not living in a tent asking for free money. I'm sick of what is happening in this country + the dem wave of take from the rich + give ot the poor. The problem is over 60% of the people in this country already pay zero taxes + they want more. Hold people accountable + let's go back to work hard + improve your lot in life + stop the handouts. I have no problem seeing truly improvished people getting a helping hand, not 30 - 40% who don't want to work and just want to be on the public dole. I know people who haven't made a mort payment in over 2 years, yet they own several cars, boats and pocket that monthly payment. Also people who had jobs and got laid off that decided not to look anymore because they like getting unemployment and its over a year now, nice job. Then there are gov + school/local pensions that no one in the private sector gets yet the private sector is expected to pay those opulent bene's. Cut out entitlements, mandate public contirbutions to pensions, get rid of obama care, cut all subsidies, that's oil, solar, farm, etc, and let them fend for themselves in the capital markets. The ones that can produce at a profit survive, the ones that can't die. Let's get back to innovation and the true american way, work for a living and drive yourself to achieve the american dream. What a concept. STOP THE HAND OUTS.
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# | DOW | 11,657.96 | -297.05 | -2.48 |
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